Here’s what I believe we’re doing in the world, what my generation is responsible for:
Building A Humanity That Can Sustain A Deep Understanding Of Love
I can go on in essays about how Love Is The Answer, but there’s already plenty written on that, and you either agree or you don’t (some would say, you either Remember, or you don’t).
But just knowing the answer isn’t enough to create a world that Lives the answer.
And I believe that’s just what we’re doing now, creating a world that can live that answer sustainably.
What do I mean by sustainably?
The 70’s got really close to this (referring to America), in that so much of the population had a deep understanding of Love. The culture, the music, the people, the spirit… but it wasn’t sustainable, so it didn’t last. I could even argue that we spent the next two decades take huge steps back from it, largely because it wasn’t sustainable.
It wasn’t sustainable because while much of the culture understood this, we just didn’t build the economic, political, and technological structures and environments to sustain it. So what you had was Woodstock… Love and Beauty and Rebellion and Drugs and Music, until you ran out of food, shelter, and money… and structure.
So what’s different now?
If you look around, the culture has been waking up to Love. More and more people are awakening and remembering the Power of Love.
But it’s not just in a rebellious, hippy way (nothing against hippies – again, they were pretty damn close to getting it right).
It’s all coming together synergistically… the entrepreneurial revolution, the technological evolution, and the mass cultural awakening.
In the 70’s, Love and Business/Capitalism were on opposite sides of the spectrum. Now, Entrepreneurial Creation is actually one of the Greatest Expressions of Love.
In the 70’s, Love and Technology were on opposite sides of the spectrum (well, except for in the minds of great entrepreneurs and thinkers like Steve Jobs, who recognized the convergence of the two way before the rest of the world). Now, most technological progress improves not only the quality of human life, but also the environment (think Tesla, or more broadly almost anything with a microchip), and people actually strive to create technology that improves the planet, not to mention human freedom and global equal opportunity.
The political landscape, well… I don’t follow enough politics to claim any expertise here, but I do believe we’re seeing the evolution of conscious capitalism, and a political environment supporting that evolution.
As the political, economic, and technological atmospheres converge with the cultural, artistic, and spiritual awakening to Love, we’ll live in a world where people’s lives and careers will experience, express, and embody Love… sustainably.
And a society is just a collection of people and the relationships (political, economic, familial, spiritual, cultural, sexual, emotional, intellectual relationships) between them, so we’ll have a world that will experience, express, and embody Love.
More than any generation before us, this can really last.
So what does this all mean, and what do you do with it?
I believe it will progress exponentially and happen with or without you. With or without me. But I invite you to participate… better yet, to lead this revolution. To accelerate it. To be on the right side of history. To create meaning in your life, by helping to build a humanity that can sustain a deep understanding of Love.
Having this goal, this commitment, and this belief alone will start to transform your thinking, your decisions, and your actions to those of a solutionary.
Thoughts? Comment below. I would love a discussion about this.
Hi dima. Good read. Thank God history is on our side because love has been around for at least 10,000 years? Or i would hope. Maybe technology is more seductive than you give it credit for. Isnt technology artificial? Building a humanity even more so? Love may be the ultimate and final freedom. Can it sustain? Within ourselves always. In our minds maybe. Just depends on future marketing i guess 🙂
Hey Dmitriy, I really hope you are right, really don’t like to watch movies like Zeitgeist or Thrive and see dark side of the world. I really hope we can overpower it with love and awakening!
Great thoughts..definitely on the right path!! 🙂 Good to see you writing! 🙂