Dima's Adventures, Lessons and Ponderings
What is a Life of Freedom, Passion, and Purpose?
(I reposted this from my new site at www.FreedomPassionPurpose.com ... enjoy!) This blog is entirely dedicated to help you create a life of Freedom, Passion, and Purpose... but what the hell does that mean? The truth is ...
Unstoppable Resolutions
Today I was inspired to share a framed piece of paper that sits in front of my desk, that I read daily for personal inspiration ... it helps me focus on my purpose and throw aside all the
Does The “Average American” Have Time for Personal Development and Self-Education? (How to transform your life, for FREE, without changing your schedule)
Ok, I realize that that is a pretty dramatic title and a bold claim. But I have heard way too many excuses lately on why they don't engross themselves in self-education and personal development, even if they really