This is day 6 of my 33 open journal experiment. I’ve been wanting to write publicly about this topic for awhile, so a blog post is a better fit than Facebook for this one.
The highest version of yourself is at the intersection of Power, Love, and Wisdom.
Love is the source and the point. It’s what creates life and bonds life together. If you disregard the Power and Wisdom components, and just live with Love, you’ll be okay.
Love should be the motivation for your life, for how you build your career/business, for how you cultivate your relationships, for how you show up in the world. It’s the greatest form of energy there is. I can write more about Love here, but so much has already been written, and it ultimately just sounds cliche to write more words for it here – you’ve either found this truth for yourself, or you haven’t (yet).
Grow your ability to Love, and you’ll live a better life. Love yourself, Love others, Love your work, Love the world, Love Love.
There was a time in my life where I believed Love and your “Inner God” or your ‘highest self’ were synonymous, but that model has evolved for me to instead be the intersection of Power, Love, and Wisdom… or your greatest expression of Love.
Power amplifies whatever it’s attached to. Power is influence, the ability to create change, the force that makes things happen.
On a more “practical” level, you grow your Power by growing your ability to influence and create change in the world. Learning copywriting is increasing your Power, because you can influence people’s decisions. Growing your audience is Power, because you can reach more people with your message. Gaining and direction wealth is a great form of Power, because the market forces dictate so much of what each individual and society as a whole does, and because it expands your own freedom and ability to influence.
Power is your ability to change minds, change behavior, change the way the world works.
So if you start with Love as your base motivation for creation, as the energy source for your life, then Power amplifies that Love. Amplifies your expression of Love. Empowers you to influence more people with your Love.
In my drawing, the overlap of Power and Love is Love expressed, amplified, and expanded.
Wisdom is the human expression of Truth.
The highest form of Wisdom is the closest we can get to understanding and expressing Truth. It’s seeing as far forward as we can into our future, based on understanding the cyclical nature of our past. It’s understanding how the world works, it’s understanding the chain of action-reaction as far as the human mind can see.
On a more practical level, Wisdom is knowing what to do to get a desired result.
You go to a mentor with Wisdom because they can see farther and deeper than you, and can help you make the right decision when you’re lost, expand your perspective, or see a greater truth in your current reality.
The overlap of Wisdom and Love is consciousness.
If you take Wisdom and overlap it with Power, you’ll know how to best use your Power. Grow both your Wisdom and your Power, and you multiply your influence. Your decisions will be wiser, based on a greater understanding of Truth, and you’ll be able to do a lot more with your growing Power.
The highest version of yourself is at the intersection of Power, Love, and Wisdom.
Bring yourself to the center of these three energies… you start with Love as your Source, you amplify its experience and expression with Power, and you multiply by directing it with Wisdom.
Knowing this isn’t enough.
How do you apply it?
It’s simple, but it’s a life long journey. Grow each energy. Commit to growing your Love. Commit to expanding your Power. Commit to gaining greater Wisdom. Let this become your model for personal growth, using these circles as broad categories for the skills, concepts, and lessons you create for yourself.
As you commit to this journey, you also become a force in building a humanity that can sustain a deep understanding of Love.
PS – Massive gratitude to Vivian Hanai who planted this seed in my head when she taught me the mantra “I am Power, Love, and Wisdom” before speaking at Eben Pagan’s Accelerate last year. That mantra has now taken on a greater meaning for me, as it means I am my highest self, an expression of God, my greatest expression of Love.
I Love the Power and Wisdom in this post! Thank you for sharing and expanding my wisdom with your power and love.