Hey, this post is sort of a rant, but an interesting one. You might enjoy it – but don’t expect a purpose 😉 it’s kind of like my journal entries.
My life has been pretty interesting lately, but I still get stuck in ruts sometimes. Like many, I still get into cyclical thinking… worry, anxiety… I get stuck, and lose my creative energy. And I’ve figured out a pretty good formula for resetting and re-inspiring myself. Actually, I didn’t figure it out – many did before me, but I just came to the clear realization for myself.
Whenever I feel “stuck” … I just need to do something totally new, usually totally unrelated to where/why I’m stuck. For example, I’m in Utah right now… and it used to be that even just traveling to a new place gave me a great reset. In this case, it didn’t… but the compilation of experiences I’ve had here did.
A few days ago, we went hot air ballooning here. It was such an incredible experience, and even though I started off the morning with quite a bit of anxiety about some business stuff, by the time I was up in the air, I feel like I figured it all out. I wasn’t even thinking about, but looking at life from such a bird’s eye view, at a pace slow enough to take it all in, gave me a whole new outlook on life for that day. It was easier to see the big picture, and not get stuck in the minutia.
That’s Yanik’s balloon – I took the picture from mine.
New experiences, often even just travel – or even new music, expand your perspective on everything – even things you wouldn’t expect at all. They expand your mind, and minutia starts feel like, well… minutia. Even issues that seem like they’re big and stressful start to get smaller and less significant.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
So go out there… try something new. Learn a new art, a new sport, a new language. Learn how to cook something. Best – travel somewhere new, and do something new while you’re out there. Meet some new people, and do some new things with the people you’ve known forever.
“Do one thing each day that scares you.”
Go sky diving… white water rafting… hot air ballooning… kayaking… start a business – or quite one… speak in front of a crowd… tell someone how you truly feel about that… turn your phone off for awhile (believe it or not – this one scares me a lot)… give something away that you value… thank someone… forgive someone… forgive yourself… try something, even if you’re likely to fail at it, even if it scares the crap out of you.
Live your life to the fullest. Drop your excuses – they’re too heavy. Drop the mindless cycles – they never go anywhere new. Break through. Refresh yourself with new experiences.
Just remember… the only one holding you back is you.
Start by putting together your big life list, and start evolving it as your go. Add to it, and cross things off. I put a few cool things on mine that I didn’t really expect to happen in such a short time
Hang out with Tim FerrissGo hot air ballooning
And a bunch of other cool stuff that wasn’t even directly on my list.
And despite all the extremely hard work I put into my business every single day – my biggest break throughs have been during these unique experiences. I’m not saying don’t have daily disciplines… you have to work hard to reach your goals. Super hard. But remember – more of the same isn’t always the answer – disengage so you can re-engage on a whole new level, and experience life from a new perspective. Refresh yourself with new experiences, and you’ll experience more growth on every level.
By the way – I really love this song lately:
Your posts always have value to offer, Dmitriy. Sometimes taking a step back can be the greatest way to advance forward.